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Book of the Day, Tue, 07 Sep 2021 09:20:52

Today’s choice of outstanding sci-fi is Linda Teppler’s “Hunchback” ( Hunchback is a defiant creation, an exciting sci-fi title, and in our never-ending tributes to incredible items in all the domains of sci-fi, we are not regretting including this one on our lists. Under that cover, we discovered a yarn you’ll find convincingly legendary in its delivery. If your taste in books is as good as ours, you ought to appreciate how fans took it. In the words of one reader, “What an emotionally evocative story, charged with the author’s amazing narrative skills. Listening to the author read her story was such a perfect way to absorb this tale of social dissonance, mechanical magick and high adventure.” If you made it through this sincere tribute, you might as well go that tiny step further and search for a copy of the book yourself. If we haven’t persuaded you yet, keep an eye open for more news. As an idea, stay tuned until we discover the next best thing since The Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter. We all know it will happen soon.