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Book of the Day, Thu, 11 Jun 2020 20:59:08

Today’s choice of sci-fi is S. A. Asthana’s “The Final Wars Begin” ( Final Wars is a truly exciting fictional work, so when it comes to incredible titles in all the realms of the fantastic, we are not going to pass including this one on our lists. Going beyond the front cover, we discover a story that is naturally ingenious in its themes. If you have time for anything today, you’ve got to start searching how sci-fi readers react. In the words of one reader, “This one was special. How about this for a setup? In a post-post apocalyptic world, a French orphan from a dank ghetto has grown into an elite military warrior. He stands up against his military society to sacrifice his career and cast off his comforts, then becomes an outlaw and fugitive. He means well, but doing the right thing doesn’t work out the way he hoped. Not that all hope is gone…” Well, now we’re done you should go that tiny step further and get your own copy. If not, subscribe for email updates until we discover the next best thing since The Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter. We all expect it’ll be well worth the wait.

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