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Book of the Day, Thu, 04 Feb 2021 12:42:15

Today, our choice of outstanding sci-fi is Kristin Ward’s “Rise of Gaia” ( Gaia is the best choice we can think of at the moment, an exhilarating work of fiction, and in honor of all extraordinary franchises in all the universes of the fantastic, we are not regretting including this one on top of our list for today. Inside, we discover a story you’ll find absolutely legendary in its literary virtues. If you have time for anything today, you should start searching how sci-fi readers react. According to a reader, “The Earth is sick. It’s being destroyed by mankind. On this I agree 100%. I’m pissed about it and I just live here. Think about if someone were slowly killing you. And you knew they were doing it, but you had no voice to fight back and were growing weaker and weaker. Wouldn’t that, you know, upset you a tiny bit? Well, Gaia is more than upset a tiny bit. Whew doggie. Just you wait until you see what happens. And poor Terran is stuck in the middle. I couldn’t help but compare Terran to Dexter’s sister Deb in the show Dexter. There are parallels to their individual situations and if you’ve seen the show and then read this book, I think you might agree with me. I will say no more. This is an intriguing read if you’re pizzed about what’s happening to our planet and want to see what Gaia would do if she were a real entity. A great YA Fantasy with roots grounded in the real world. I recommend.” If you read this post, you should go the distance and search for a copy of the book yourself. If not, keep following until we discover the next big science fiction author of our time. Yes, we hope it’ll be well worth the wait.

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