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Book of the Day, Thu, 25 Feb 2021 12:56:13

Today, our choice is Endless Ink’s “Earth’s Final Chapter” ( Final Chapter is a rogue tale, an amazing work, and so if we’re going to get through all outstanding titles in all the galaxies of sci-fi, we’re not going to pass including this one on our lists. Inside, we found a plot we conclude is compellingly unique in ability to create excitement. Supposing you are as versed in this sort of thing as us, you should have a quick look at how sci-fi readers took it. According to an obviously enthused reader, “From the first sentence we detect the perfumed notes of Poe that hang heavy in the air, attempting to disguise the rot. It is as if we, the reader, have opened a door we should not. Suddenly we find ourselves in the middle of fantastical intrigue, and history, and old grudges that have been allowed to fester.” Having checked out our review, you might as well go the whole way and get a copy of the book yourself. If we haven’t persuaded you yet, keep an eye open for more news. As an idea, subscribe for email updates until we discover the next Asimov or Clarke. Like you, we hope it’ll happen eventually.

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